Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Wow, what a vacation. If you are ever in doubt about beauty take a trip through Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. The skies really are bigger there. Our trip started in Nashville and then we drove to St. Louis, MO and spent the night. The next day we drove to Sioux Falls, SD and spent the night. The next day we drove through the badlands and the blackhills of SD and stopped by Mt. Rushmore on our way to Deadwood, SD. The next day we drove to a little cabin just across the border in Montana for the night in a very tiny town. The next day we headed into Yellowstone National Park and then it was off to Estes Park, CO. We spent the night in Estes Park and then ventured into Estes Park and then drove to Wichitia, KS for the night. We got up the next morning and drove to Norman, OK home of the OU Sooners! and drove down to the Chickasaw Indian Reservation in Tishomingo, OK to see some of my family heritage and history. We then drove to Sherman, TX and spent the night. The next day we ventured down to Irving, TX and visited with my Uncle and Aunt and my Dad and cousins before the big game: The Red River Shootout between OU and TX. TX got the better end this year and ended up being ranked number one in the nation for beating us and we dropped down to four. The final day was Sunday and we drove home. This doesn't cover the specifics, but I might provide those details from my personal journal that I took along. Until then remember that God truly does know the plans that He has for us according to Jer 29:11!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Beat Goes on...

I really hate cliche's like Time heals all wounds...Angie and went through our second Invitro process all the way to the end and it was negative. Wanna see a grown man break let the women that he absolutely adores weep in his arms and then both of them realize that dream they want is going to take a little longer. But, regardless God is gracious, kind and merciful. He gives us more than we ever deserve. When we feel the most lonely God is right there with us crying and hurting with us and wants us to just lay our burdens on His shoulders and rest while He carries us through. This has been a really hard week for me and more so for Angie. As I write this I am sitting in Salt Lake City, UT for work in a hotel. I have been feeling a little down today a little bit of everything all mixed into one. I had to leave town the day after our 4th anniversary and the wounds are still fresh. It has been making it harder to go to work out of town and leave Angie for even a little time. I believe that in addition to Isaac, God has something else in store for our lives. I keep remember the Bible referring to John the Baptist as a voice in the wilderness. Kind of makes me wonder why not so many voices are being heard? Maybe God is calling me to be more like John the Baptist and Jesus and a little less like myself. I know that God will reveal what He desires in His time. So, for the 3 of you that read this blog, thanks for listening and thanks for caring. God Bless and remember Jer 29:11, where God declares he knows that plans that He has for us.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Well to all of you out there that actually read this. All 3 of you! Thanks for your continued prayers for:
- Matt my brother is still in Afganistan. Also pray for his wife Leigh while he is away.
- Angie's mother has surgery next week on her foot.
- My dad and step mom.
- Angie & me in our Invitro process

Obvioiusly, it has been some time since I have updated this and a lot has been going on. Alot for everyone. My brother (Matt - the youngest) was in Iraq earlier this year and home for only a short time and then off to Afganistan. What concerns me is having spent 16 years in the military myself and that I had been deployed many, many times and I saw the devastation that occurs to military families because of the distance and time apart. I just pray that Leigh and Matt will be able to continue to work things out being fairly newly married as well probably doesn't help. They have been married for a little over a year.
Angie's mom needs surgery to correct one of her feet, but with as many surgeries that she has had everytime that you are sedated a little bit of the sedation medicine always stay in your body and makes it a little harder to wake up. So pray for a normal wake up and a clean procedure.
My dad and stepmom, not really going to go into great detail here, but I spoke with my father yesterday and I believe that they are going to be separated as he is planning on moving back to Oklahoma. I am sad, but at the same time I know that all I can do is continue to pray and know that God is in control.
Angie and I have begun our cycle again with the In-vitro process (I say our cycle, but really Angie is the one that has to put with much more). She has to have shots twice a day and the medicine is irritating to the skin, so it tends to burn once the shot has been done. We got a really good report from the Nurse Practioner this week regarding her body doing exactly what it needed to do to get ready for this cycle. I pray that God will ease the hurt of the medicine and that the end result will be a new addition to the Greer family. I try to remember my favorite passage in Jermiah 29:11 that says, "I know the plan that I have for you says the Lord, to give you a future and a hope."
God bless all three of you for reading this and praying! I am trying to continue to update this more frequently.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Angie and I had an appointment with a specialist to see what our options were. I love my wife so much and it really hurts me to see her feel so overwhelmed at all the decisions that we need to make over the next few months. I pray that God will allow me to be more patient and caring when she needs me most. Often, I get off on my own little tangent and don't give her the respect that she deserves as my wife and my God given help mate or equal.

Friday, January 11, 2008

I am looking forward to great and wonderful New Year. God only knows what is in store for this year and I mean that in a very literal way! I continue to struggle with time. Such an easy word, but so complicated as well. A day is as a 1000 years to God...so what really is time and how should we be using what we have? Something I ponder a lot. I also struggle with dealing with the past. You see God will take your past and separate it as far as the East is from the West, but we mortals like to keep our past hidden in the depths of our mind so that the devil can continue to torment us over and over again. I often struggle with that fact and why we have no children. I know it is not true, but somehow I allow that thought to come back again and again.