Friday, August 1, 2008


Well to all of you out there that actually read this. All 3 of you! Thanks for your continued prayers for:
- Matt my brother is still in Afganistan. Also pray for his wife Leigh while he is away.
- Angie's mother has surgery next week on her foot.
- My dad and step mom.
- Angie & me in our Invitro process

Obvioiusly, it has been some time since I have updated this and a lot has been going on. Alot for everyone. My brother (Matt - the youngest) was in Iraq earlier this year and home for only a short time and then off to Afganistan. What concerns me is having spent 16 years in the military myself and that I had been deployed many, many times and I saw the devastation that occurs to military families because of the distance and time apart. I just pray that Leigh and Matt will be able to continue to work things out being fairly newly married as well probably doesn't help. They have been married for a little over a year.
Angie's mom needs surgery to correct one of her feet, but with as many surgeries that she has had everytime that you are sedated a little bit of the sedation medicine always stay in your body and makes it a little harder to wake up. So pray for a normal wake up and a clean procedure.
My dad and stepmom, not really going to go into great detail here, but I spoke with my father yesterday and I believe that they are going to be separated as he is planning on moving back to Oklahoma. I am sad, but at the same time I know that all I can do is continue to pray and know that God is in control.
Angie and I have begun our cycle again with the In-vitro process (I say our cycle, but really Angie is the one that has to put with much more). She has to have shots twice a day and the medicine is irritating to the skin, so it tends to burn once the shot has been done. We got a really good report from the Nurse Practioner this week regarding her body doing exactly what it needed to do to get ready for this cycle. I pray that God will ease the hurt of the medicine and that the end result will be a new addition to the Greer family. I try to remember my favorite passage in Jermiah 29:11 that says, "I know the plan that I have for you says the Lord, to give you a future and a hope."
God bless all three of you for reading this and praying! I am trying to continue to update this more frequently.