Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Beat Goes on...

I really hate cliche's like Time heals all wounds...Angie and went through our second Invitro process all the way to the end and it was negative. Wanna see a grown man break let the women that he absolutely adores weep in his arms and then both of them realize that dream they want is going to take a little longer. But, regardless God is gracious, kind and merciful. He gives us more than we ever deserve. When we feel the most lonely God is right there with us crying and hurting with us and wants us to just lay our burdens on His shoulders and rest while He carries us through. This has been a really hard week for me and more so for Angie. As I write this I am sitting in Salt Lake City, UT for work in a hotel. I have been feeling a little down today a little bit of everything all mixed into one. I had to leave town the day after our 4th anniversary and the wounds are still fresh. It has been making it harder to go to work out of town and leave Angie for even a little time. I believe that in addition to Isaac, God has something else in store for our lives. I keep remember the Bible referring to John the Baptist as a voice in the wilderness. Kind of makes me wonder why not so many voices are being heard? Maybe God is calling me to be more like John the Baptist and Jesus and a little less like myself. I know that God will reveal what He desires in His time. So, for the 3 of you that read this blog, thanks for listening and thanks for caring. God Bless and remember Jer 29:11, where God declares he knows that plans that He has for us.

1 comment:

Tami W said...

We love you both so much. God knows your hearts and he has a plan. Love ya, (One of the three that reads it)